Greetings from Massachusetts!

edited June 2011 in Player Lounge
Greetings to all, from one who is in Massachusetts.

I would like to know if there are any Shadowrun, Savage Worlds, GURPS or Traveller games around my area - Lynn, to be precise - and anything that isn't World of Darkness, Warhammer 40K, D&D or D20 will do (sorry, nothing against those who play, but those aren't my interest). Plus, I am looking to organize a game of Shadowrun (I don't want to run, but I will do so to get it going) in Danvers; how do I advertise for that?


  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Greetings Jame!

    I am also from Mass. (though will be moving to California in a few weeks due to grad school). Seeing as you're on the other side of Boston I can't really say I know anyone gaming in your area.

    If you are looking to advertise a game you can do so here in the forums as well as through the "Games Nearby" tab at the top of the OP screen (when you aren't in the forums). Just make a campaign page and make sure it is public and listed and select looking for players. I have no idea the rate of success for using the OP map to get a group together is, but its free and worth a try. Also you might want to just try your local hobby shop (if you have one).

    Good luck!
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,013
    Hi Jame

    I cannot offer any advice further to that of DarkMagus but wish you luck and would like to welcome you to the Portal!


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  • JameRowe
    Posts: 3
    Thank you guys for your greetings and advice. I have taken it and posted something in the campaigns section (using the "categories" tab).

    DarkMagus, good luck with grad school. If you get back here while the SR campaign is going, or indeed anything else for that matter, you're quite welcome to come up and join in for a session.
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