Character Blogs

edited April 2011 in Feature Requests
Is there an easy way to turn a Wiki page into a blog page (similar to the Adventure log, posting dates, comments, previous/next etc)? I have a player whose updating the adventure log in character, and it is missing all sorts of relevant info because of this (not to mention starting a discussion amoung my players not really appropriate for an Adventure Log), but I don't want to stifle his enthusiasm or roleplaying, so I want to start his character a blog as an outlet.

As a feature request, I think it would be kind of cool to have Adventure Log style blogs as a part of the character pages (in addition to Bio, Background, Secrets, etc) that the other characters can comment on. Or even a blog on everyones profile. Or both.

As it stands, if there isn't an easy way to do this in the wiki, I'll have to start a free blog for them on another site and link it to my campaign...



  • ketherian
    Posts: 203

    Is this what you mean? "Xene's diary":
    If so, it's fairly easy to recreate most of the links and work in a wiki page that appears in the adventure log.
  • Keener_DM
    Posts: 3
    That's the basic idea, and almost exactly the work-around I've been tinkering with.

    What i'd like in a perfect world is the same thing, but with the ability for the other characters to comment without editing the wiki page, automatic post dating, previous/next buttons, etc without the player needing to 'code' it in....
  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    Excuse me for my lack of coding to put links in, but I'll give you the copy/paste links to what I'm talking about.

    We use our "adventure logs" in almost exactly the way you're describing them in our campaign "The Ruins of Myvolia" and there seems to be an option for "Comments" though we haven't gotten any. Character journals/letters to home, etc. go in there from those who wish to engage more fully in their character/the world they're in, and other than a few logistical problems because none of us are programmers, I think it's pretty nice. Go to:

    and look for the " Brother Brandos Griffin's historical entries" (ME) or "Kaspar's silent musings" and see what I mean.

    I also put my character's thoughts/gameplay in our "Dark Queen of the West" campaign in the form of a charcters' thoughts sort of recap which can easily be sectioned off as a "Stories" type section as Rase Cidraen (and others) have done like this:

    Hopefully that helps (and maybe people will check out those entries just for fun, too)
  • Keener_DM
    Posts: 3
    Wow, great campagin site!

    That's pretty much what I set up for my player, its those " few logistical problems because none of us are programmers" that I was trying to avoid (I'm fine, it's my players I'm worried about, they may be discouraged from posting since it's not as easy as adding to the Adventure Log. And yes, they're wusses)
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Pfft, in that case have them email you and you can add it for them. Heck, I do the occasional back-and-forth-over-email RP with my GM and then it's usually me who cleans up the formatting and puts it in the wiki once the "arc" is over. =)
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