Video Embed Broke My Home Page

edited April 2011 in Campaign Portal Building
Okay I posted a youtube embed at the bottom of my home page which didn't work anyway (all that shows up is "p(oembed)."). On top of that now my background image won't show up. Why the embed posting has anything to do with the picture I have no idea, but the top of the home page is blank right now. Any help would be greatly appreciative. My homepage is Below is my home page code. Note that I've tried adjusting the image position to absolute and back and find no change either way.

h2. %{color:white}*[CONTENT UNDER CONSTRUCTION]*%


Eclipse Phase is under Creative Commons licensing encouraging others to develop and create in it for others and to make it their own. Yet, please support them in buying their products so they will keep on making them!

For more information on the Eclipse Phase licensing page "here":
To go directly to the license go "here": (with full license code "here":

All written content (old & new) here is considered under the same license unless otherwise specified. Share, modify, and create, but remember to always give credit. Any images used that are cc by-nc-sa will be noted. All other images are copyrighted and used with permission.

The campaign banner is by Dr. C.M. Wong of Opus Artz (modified by this campaign's GM).



RESURGENCE is a new pbp campaign for the Eclipse Phase system, currently in early stages of development.

p(oembed). "":


  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    Okay, is this your exact code, word for word? i.e. did you title your background image "image-name"? When I tried to just plug the direct url to the jpg I got an xml file not found error.

    Also, I notice that all your disclaimer text appears outside the closing div tag that will hold your background. Is that intentional?

    I reposted the video code on my page and it worked fine. On your actual page, did you accidentally remove the space between p(oembed). and the video url? The link that shows up on your page suggests that this might be the culprit. Textile is really picky when it comes to spaces.
  • PartyPanda
    Posts: 33
    I'm with Gnunn on the making sure you have a space in there. I just tried embedding your video on my game page and it worked fine.

    ~The Panda

    PS Game looks cool!
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