Using quotes around textile wiki links

edited March 2011 in Campaign Portal Building
So, I've found that I can't link wiki or character pages using the textile [[Brackets]] if i am doing so within quotation marks.

"Time's up [[Eaglesport]]!" [[:wexley | Wexley]] shouted with rage. "Now [[:ferrik | Ferrik]] gets to come out and play!"

What I end up with, are lines of html code displaying instead of the bracketed links. I know enough about html to know that quotes are used as part of the code, and I'm confusing the program with the quotation marks that I'm trying to use to show speech.

So my question, if anyone would be willing to field it, is what do I need to do to keep the textile links from going all codey? So far, I've gotten around this by moving the link to the same word appearing later in the document well away from quotation marks. It's been working ok, but I like the link to be on the first instance of the word in question. Plus, I''m sure there will come a time when It comes down to either linking within quotes or not linking at all.

Can anyone help out?

Thanks in advance.
The Land of Corra


  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    My suggestion is to use HTML or Textile to create your links.




    where text is the word you want to be clickable and url is the web address of the page you are linking to.

    The integrated link generator is cool, but it is far too prone to such aggravations, IMHO.
  • Deadseid
    Posts: 14
    Thanks again Dusk, you're the man. I figured that was what I was going to have to do, but i learned basic html when the internet was just a toddler, so i've forgotten most of it. I appreciate the tip.
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