Hello there

edited March 2011 in Player Lounge
Greetings, all. I'm not sure what to make of Obsidian yet -- it seems to be mostly a wiki. I like wikis and have been using them for my campaign for several years -- a public one for the players and a private one to organize DM material. What I'm looking for is some kind of customizable wiki with facilities to create standardized forms for things like spells, magic items, monsters... and widgets for common tasks, such as generating an instance of a monster or rolling a random item from a table. Are things of that sort possible here?


  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Greetings Serutan -

    OP is a great tool - it's a wiki, but I think the greatest "widget" to come out of it is the community. Great people here... and they're all widgets in and of themselves. Theres a Javascript dice roller to facilitate rolling, and you can easily create "standard forms", but they're likely to be HTML, but there's the community to help with that, when you're not bodging it together on your own. You can't do dynamic content generation, but that seems more of a call for a generator program than a true wiki function.
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,014
    Greetings Serutan. My own technical abilities are feeble compared to some of the other members so I will not comment on those aspects, but I'm sure others will. I do want to say hello, though and would second Rase's advice in that there is a great community here.

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  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Welcome Serutan!

    On each campaign site here at the Portal there are wiki tabs specifically allotted for the purposes of creating items and characters. With the right bit of code you can also create Textile or HTML tables for things like Traps, Spells and Treasure as well (for instance, see "Chainsaw's HTML templates":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/sanction/wikis/templates-and-tools). However, you need to do all of the code work to set up and create each new item, monster, character etc, there is no "widget" here to do it for you. That said, once you have established the templates that you want to use (assuming you are using HTML), you can always export that code to an online HTML editor (such as "this":http://online-html-editor.org/) which allows you to edit the content that you want to enter into the template without having to deal with all of the Template's HTML code. Then just import that code back to your wiki page and voila, you've got your new item, creature etc.

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