Inter-campaign Wiki?

edited February 2011 in Campaign Portal Building
I run 2 campaigns in a the same campaign world and want to know if I can use wiki links between the two separate campaigns. For example, I'd like to link NPC and town wiki pages in both.

Is this possible?


  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Sure! Just use the entire URL for the wiki pages you are linking. Essentially, treat these links as if they are to any other, off-site data.

    Do this in Textile by surrounding the text you want to represent the linked site in quotes, placing a colon to the right of the quoted text, and pasting your url, including the http:// part, directly next to the colon.

    For example:

    "this is the text you can click":
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    If you have any other questions, let me know!


    "Wyrmshadow Campaign Setting":

    "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic":

    "The System":
  • Beaumains
    Posts: 132
    Alternatively, you can do what I am attempting, which is to create the entire campaign world within one campaign. From there you can create 'chapters' that denote seperate campaign 'threads' - or so goes the theory. I have yet to develop those threads that are most likely to be interconnected; but so far I don't foresee a problem.
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