Uh Oh, my username has a space in it

edited December 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
Okay, so I tried to update my profile to put in some bio, so people will know a bit more about me, now that I'm contributing more to the conversations, but it seems I can't update my profile because my profile name itself in invalid. But then how was I allowed to make it in the first place? It says, that my user update is prohibited because, "Login contains illegal characters. Please use only letters, numbers, and underscores," but if I change my username, everything I've done will no longer connect to my account. What do I do, oh wonderful portal members? Just live with having a crappy profile, because I can't change it now, or change my username so that the space is an underscore and re-attach every link that used to be attached to "Poutine Paladin" so that it now goes to "Poutine_Paladin" or is there something I'm just not getting here?


  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Have you e-mailed tech support about this issue? The people who run this site are very understanding and compassionate and I think would do whatever they could to help fix this situation.
  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    Can't say that I have. I've not thought of that. Thanks, Dark. Wow, I sort of feel a bit dumb right now. I just sort of assumed that this is where we go to find answers to things like this.
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Don't feel dumb. The users here are so helpful it kind of makes sense to run questions through here first because it saves the "men behind the curtain" time. I'd say that 90% of the questions that come through the forums get answered, if not more.

    I just suggested the official help becuase it sounds like something that would have to be fixed on their end if they made changes to the way usernames are done and you weren't "grandfathered" in for some reason.
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Random thought: when I type your name into the address bar of explorer it comes up with http://www.obsidianportal.com/profile/Poutine%20Paladin I know HTML replaces spaces with %20. Maybe putting that as your name would allow the space to be there? Just a thought. I wouldn't recommend trying it though becuase if I'm wrong you wouldn't be able to undo it.

    Maybe I'll register a fake temporary account to see if I can get that to work.... I'll let you know my results.
  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    Thanks for the thoughts, Dark. I've started a discussion in the "help" section, assuming this is what you meant by "email tech support" because otherwise I don't know how to go about "emailing tech support"
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Ooops... Yeah, thats what I meant..

    So I tried to register an account named Space%20Test but it gave the same error message you get.

    Oh well.
  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    Okay, thanks anyway, I'll just wait for someone "in the know" to get back to me. (not to imply you're not "in the know") It's really not that big a deal, I guess, I'm just a bit confused as to why it would let me make an account at all if my username was going to be invalid for certain things (like updating my account info, which seems like a pretty standard thing that people would like to do) and that it hasn't mentioned it for anything else that I've done over my months involved with the Portal.
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    I would certainly say I'm not in the know. But its kind of you not to say such things. :)

    Yeah, I would be a bit annoyed if I were in your situation becuase who wants an account that is mising some basic functionality.

    Good luck to ya!
  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    Okay, nobody needs to worry (not like anyone was worried, but you know what I mean) because Micah got me figured out. Next time (if ever) something like that comes up, I'll check with tech support instead of forum post.
  • TheSouljourner
    Posts: 22
    FYI... back in the day, spaces were allowed in usernames, but they're not anymore. I ran in to a similar issue with my username... a quick talk to support here at OP fixed me right up.
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