Homebrew Pathfinder (3.75) Game in Bloomington/Normal IL Looking for 1-2 new players

edited December 2010 in Player Lounge
Greetings everyone,

Starting next year, I am going to be running a 3.75 Pathfinder Homebrew Campaign in Normal, Illinois. We will meet monthly, and all game sessions will likely fall on Saturdays (still to be determined). Again depending on people's schedules I would like the game to run for at least 6-8 hours if we were to only meet once a month.

I am looking for experienced 3rd edition players in the Bloomington/Normal area, preferably college graduate age (24+), as all players I currently have are in their mid 20s to early 30s. I have two players currently, and am looking for two-three more.

As for the campaign itself, it will take place in a heroic, pillars of light setting where most of the world is a terrifying place aside from several city-states/nations. To enhance the overall experience of the game, especially between games, all PCs will create an account (completely free) on the game's forum/website where PC backstories/stats will be listed, recaps of past sessions, and general campaign guidelines/information.

I have ran/played DnD for about 10 years, and pride myself on running fun and exciting games. If you're at all interested and are easy going, have a good sense of humor, shower regularly, enjoy story driven campaigns, and believe you could commit to at least once a month meeting then please respond directly in this thread.




  • erwin
    Posts: 58
    Incase you don't get any inquiries from the OP forums,

    might be a good idea to check the avenues listed "here.":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=1527&page=1

    Hopefully you get to find your players though. Good luck!
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