Been here since April, Figured I would say Hi

edited November 2010 in Player Lounge
Hey everyone.
I've been signed up on the site since April and have been enjoying it quite a lot.
I DM 2 Campaigns on the site a 3.5 written by myself and a 4e that follows Modules put out by WoC.

If there is one thing I love about the site it is the ability to bring players out of their shells, having them participate in creating the world they are in and make them really think of their backstory.

So yea, love the site, looking forward to using taking advantage of the forums.

My Campaigns

Festival of the Lion D&D 3.5
Monday Nights
I've been slacking on this site and am in the process of rebuilding it. Trying to get my players to take advantage of the tools they have available. Plus I havn't been updating information as much as I should. There has been a lot of story that has not been posted on the site.

No Rest for the Wicked D&D 4e
Thursday Nights
A very active wiki. Almost all of my players post back stories and other adventure logs. Half of the players have never played before and all of them have never touched 4e. This is also my first attempt at 4e

Take a look and if you have any suggestions or comments I would love to hear them.



  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Welcome to the Portal! I look forward to having more time to check out your campaigns!
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Well, though I've already had the pleasure of meeting you, and am a fan of your _No Rest of the Wicked_ campaign, I too would like to officially welcome you to the forums. This is a really great community and I'm glad you decided to introduce yourself. I hope you decide to become an active member of the forums.

  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,012
    Hi DGM. I'm sure you will find that the months fly by here on OP. It seems to me as if I only just started and yet I realise that was now back in 2009. I'm sure we will meet again through the portal.

    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425

    Getting players involved has been very hard for me as well. I still have players who never signed up for my campaign that ended last month. For my upcoming campaign I actually took out a laptop and had people sign up for OP while making characters so now at least everyone has an account. I'm going to try to have them put up info about their characters, basic description and backgrounds at least. That much would make me very happy. I might try bribing with in-game rewards to see if that works.

    Happy gaming!

  • DaGamingMonkey
    Posts: 11
    The in-game rewards helps get them into it. I use bonus exp for what they write and it works like a charm. 5 outta 6 are active in writing.
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    So you got me thinking about getting players active on the site. I'm not even looking for them to write up the adventure logs, just their character info and maybe if they wanted to do journal entries. I like the idea of journal entries because they could be very open-ended and be a way for players to explore their character further. This would obviously help them get into their character's head and be a better role player. Here's what I'm thinking-- They would receive some kind of in game reward for writing a journal entry. They can write about whatever they want, but I will provide some prompts that they can use as a guide. Such as:

    1) Explore your character's thoughts and feelings on a particular important event or person from their past.
    2) Explore your impressions or thoughts on a fellow PC or NPC.
    3) Explore your character's thoughts on a particular plot point. Write about what they wished had happened instead or what they wished they had done differently. If it isn't finished yet write about their predictions and wishes for the outcome.
    4) Reflect on your character's motivations/values/beliefs and how they have been reinforced or how they have changed due to their actions or events in the game.
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