Wiki Calendar?

edited October 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
Hey folks, just wondering if there was a template, or any reccomendations for any kind of Wiki calendar for tracking the passage of days etc.. in the game world.

Doing a sandbox thing and it would be infinitely useful for the groups to see who went out and returned when etc...



  • Curufea
    Posts: 161
    Heh, just thinking about my campaign and how non-linear time is in it that this wouldn't help much :)

    Personally, I recommend a "semantic list-based calendar": as it's easier to maintain a list than a table. However custom styles aren't available in the wiki except on a tag by tag attribute basis - which makes this kind of calendar unreadable to edit.

    The colour attributes in tables for Textile aren't implemented either, so you basically have a choice of two-colour readable textile or multicolour HTML tables.
  • Curufea
    Posts: 161 edited October 2010
    However, that being said - I may be able to knock up a php script that produces an image as a calendar, I'll just check how strict the image HTML tags are in the wiki...

    Yep, it's do-able. Give me an hour or so and I'll knock up and host a script you can send variables too that can generate an image of a calendar.
    Post edited by Curufea on
  • Curufea
    Posts: 161 edited October 2010
    Okay, here's a script for folks-

    Just chuck that in your wiki and modify. I haven't made the colours or font (Ariel) customisable yet.

    List of parameters:
    *x* = width in pixels 100 to 800
    *y* = height in pixels 100 to 800
    *d* = total number of days in the month
    *w* = total number of days in a week
    *s* = which day of the week the month starts on (must be less than *w*)
    *m* = the name of the month
    *k* = which day in the month to mark (must be less than *d*)
    *n* = the names for the days of the week. If they don't fit, only the first three letters are taken.
    Post edited by Curufea on
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Curufea, you are absolutely incredible. I'd just be worried about many people sucking down bandwidth from your site using calendars.
  • Curufea
    Posts: 161 edited October 2010
    I figure roleplaying sites in general aren't that popular (comparatively), and the amount of people wanting calendars would be an even smaller proportion of that. Although I suppose I could check analytics later and find out :)

    Besides I've not yet come close to what Dreamhost gives me for all my other sites

    Ideally I want to just fill out an existing background image with calendar information - it would mean a more customised look. (e.g. my Victorian Age "Calling Card Creator": )
    Post edited by Curufea on
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    True, the ratio of people who would actually use it seems rather small: but I totally would when I figure out how I want to do so... Planescape has an "established" calendar system, but I really lack a coherent sense of "time" in my campaign, which is annoying, but I can't figure how to rectify that, aside from modifying the way I DM. Hmm.
  • Curufea
    Posts: 161
    You may need to allocate time for things and keep a record. Whenever someone asks, you can't just say "late afternoon" (which my last GM for a D&D-ish game was renowned for doing). You could date the sessions at the start of every session.
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