Older Player Looking to Form or Join Group in Central PA

edited September 2010 in Player Lounge
Hi there! How are you today? Thanks for taking the time to pop in here and read what I have to say. I'm a 39 yr old gamer that was a HUGE player in my teens but drifted away from the scene around the time TSR decided that if someone came in to work claiming they had a cool dream the night before they needed to publish it as a new setting. I continued to read fantasy novels and started playing video rpgs in the late 90s, but I stayed away from the tabletop games.

Then, my father passed away in 2005 and I found myself looking to the things I'd loved in my youth to help me cope. I bought up all the original D&D hardcovers that I remembered on Ebay and then moved on to the 3.5 ones. Long story short, I find myself working on a new campaign setting and wanting to either DM or play the game again. So, here I am appealing to the PP&G forum masses in the hope of finding other old holdovers like myself.

I'm looking for preferably an older group with players who have goals and aspirations for their characters and work with the DM to make the setting a more complete world rather than needing to be led by the hand. I don't like my genres mixed and prefer fantasy. My own homegrown settings tend to be 50% heroic, 50% epic fantasy with occasional dark overtones. I'm looking for OD&D, AD&D, 3.5 or Pathfinder and would like to talk to group members before getting together to play to see how our interests mesh. I won't rule out online games or play by posts, either. So, if any of this sounds workable or interests you, please post here or drop me a PM. Thanks again for your time


  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Hail, Ironhead!

    "First off, check out this thread":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=1527&page=1#Item_5 as it has all the info you'll likely need to find a game or find players for a new game of your own, if that's the route you decide to take.

    Second, I wanted to express my condolences about your dad. I lost my father two summers ago and I am haunted by the experience. I know what you mean, that you need to reach back to your earlier happiness in order to find a way to cope and move on to future happiness. D&D and roleplaying in general is an excellent way to do just that. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that you're not alone in choosing tabletop gaming as grief-coping therapy. These boards have a lot of really wonderful people, folks I consider very close, personal friends now. The forums here can also be great fun, and an excellent way to while away some of the most unbearable moments.

    Finally, though I am not really able to join in any new games right now, I invite you to hit me up, anytime, if you need help with anything here on Obsidian Portal.

    Welcome to the Portal,


    "Wyrmshadow Campaign Setting":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/wyrmshadow

    "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Hello Steelnoggin!

    I'd like to echo Dusk's sentiments, and perhaps parrot them. (Or Parrot-phrase, ha ha...) Anything you need an assist with, I'm more than glad to help! As are most of the portal, really, but I wanted to be second to offer a hand!

  • Ironhead
    Posts: 59 edited September 2010
    Thank you both, Dusk and Rase; not just for the welcome and offer of help, but also for the good intentions behind them. I'd also like to send my own condolences back to you, Dusk and wishes for a lightening of your load. It would be hard for a site to make a better first impression than you two just did for OP :) Glad to make your acquaintance, gentlemen.
    Post edited by Ironhead on
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Phew! Hear that Dusk? We didn't blow it like the last time! ;)

    Oh, and Iron, a bit of friendly advice. If you spend any time on the forums, try to refrain from thinking about "pie". It rouses up the natives something fierce.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Welcome to the Portal Ironhead (only it looks like the great welcome crew already found you!).

    I wish you the best of luck in either finding new players for your campaign, or a campaign to join. As someone who just recently went through this process myself, I just want to let you know that of all the different sites I used to advertise my campaign, the one I got the most responses from by far was "Meetup.com":http://www.meetup.com/. I was really hoping to find 1 or 2 more players and instead got 3, and about half a dozen more that I had to turn down since we were already full up. Hope that helps.

  • Ironhead
    Posts: 59
    Thanks, Arsheesh. I'll give it a try and see if I can find anyone. Thank you.
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Parrot phrase! Nice one Rase!

    Welcome to OP Ironman (hahaha). Theres definitely a lot of helpful people here, the forums are a GREAT resource. And yeah apparently saying pie is like saying "Nee!" to a poor defenseless old woman. :)
  • Ironhead
    Posts: 59
    Thanks for the welcome, Dark! Sorry for the delay in replying. I've been lurking and checking in to see if there's been any response, but the lack of interest has discouraged me from posting again until now.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Ironhead, I may (with heavy emphasis on _may_) be adding one or two remote players to Wyrmshadow within a month or so. I'll keep your name on the short list, if I decide to do so. I'll keep you posted.

  • Ironhead
    Posts: 59
    Dusk, I'm both flattered and excited to read that. If it doesn't pan out, that's alright; but, I just appreciate the consideration.
  • Ironhead
    Posts: 59
    Still looking :( I know the area is a little backward, but this is more than discouraging..... *groan*
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Hey Ironhead - I don't know if this helps you at all, because I'm not located in Central PA, but if you'd like, I'd love to try and work something out over the webbernets. I'd like to think I'm mature, seasoned (I've been playing 3e/3.5e since the advent of...well, Diablo 2, give or take.) I don't know what you're looking for, or how you'd prefer to play, but I'm open to suggestions!
  • Ironhead
    Posts: 59
    I just stumbled across it, myself, about 10 days ago or so. It's a map-making program that can be used for interiors or even world design. There's a print option, but it seems that the program runs the icons again onto a blank canvas every time you add one, leading to a huge drain on resources. I really do like the available icons, though, so I'll look it over again and see what I can come up with. My email is: [email protected]
  • Neithan
    Posts: 16
    Hi Ironhead,

    Do you have any experience or interest in playing a DnD 4e game? If so, I'm looking for players to set up a new campaign I'm designing.
  • Ironhead
    Posts: 59
    Hey there, Neithan!
    I'm sorry to say that 4e isn't my cup of tea, but I won't rule it out entirely. I dislike the system, but not those who play it because experience has taught me that game mechanics are akin to the choice in inks we use to write our story - the color isn't as important as the fact that the story gets told ;) Drop me a PM and maybe we can work something out.
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Ironhead and Rase, wouldja trade messenger info or phone numbers already? lol
  • Ironhead
    Posts: 59
    Hehe. Jim, I didn't know that whispered chat was open to the public. I thought it was the same as a PM *doh!*
  • Vandor
    Posts: 31
    Hi, I run the PGH D&D Meetup in Pittsburgh. We do games other than D&D also. I saw you said central PA, but didn't list a town or town near, that I saw.

    Not saying you need to commute to PGH, but just saying there's over 400 gamers in and around Pittsburgh that I've collected over the last few years, ranging from Wheeling to Greensburg to Uniontown, and Washington, PA. We're one of the largest D&D groups on meetup.

    Some might be amenable to online gaming via openRPG or some other.

    James AKA Etarnon AKA Vandor
  • BenDover
    Posts: 2
    I saw you post and thought I would invite you to join my game. I live in Akron, Oh and i know that is a rather long drive, but we have a group of players that are all older. I am the youngets an I am 32. lol. So so so old. :). If you would be interested, please hit me up.

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