IL (Bloomington-Normal area) Player/DM looking for more players

edited September 2010 in Player Lounge
Hello, all. I just recently moved to the Bloomington/Normal area and am looking for either a local group to join or players willing to create a new one. I have been playing D&D off and on as both a player and DM for the past 9 years. If I need to DM I was considering either running the Scales of War series or an old homebrew campaign I crafted in order to not distract myself too much from working on my master's thesis.

New and/or rusty players are more than welcome. My work schedule is still not finalized at my new job, but I'd ideally like to play once a week or twice a month. If you're at all interested, please do not hesitate to either reply to this thread or send me a PM. Thanks.
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