Help with Texile

edited September 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
Hi guys,

I have been using OP for over a year, and all my characters are in the format found in the MM4, as I find it is the easiest way to find things when I need them.
However, since the last update, the Character Crunch section of all new characters interpret a +1 as the start tag of underlining, and will randomly underline whole sections of my text.

See the correct display method here:
And the way things are now here:

What I am I doing wrong/is there a way to have textile not see a symbol as a tag?




  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Hey Rob,

    Sounds like you might be having different issues but with a similiar root problem as in "this thread": Read that and see if it helps. Good luck!
  • Hedron
    Posts: 9
    I have had a read but it didn't help, my knowledge of HTML/Textile is limited to what I use here on OP.


    In the linked thread, it mentions setting the Textile version back, how is that done?
    Also, in that article linked in the linked, it mentions a notextile modifier, where does that get placed?

  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Sorry for the late response. If you go to your campaign page and click EDIT SETTINGS then scroll down to Markup Parser you can switch it back to the old parser, Textile 3. That might fix it. I'd try that first if the problem arose after the update, because it will restore your page back to its state before the update.
  • Hedron
    Posts: 9

    Looks like that fixed the problem
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Also, if you want to use the new parser, you can get away with just putting a space between the + and the number. Alternatively, there may be a way to use the tags effectively. Sure, it's a bit hackneyed, but it might work!
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