Online Forum based games

edited September 2010 in General Archive
I am currently running a forum based game (Pathfinder rules, based in 198 BC Tarentum in the Roman Republic) and I am considering running another. I would like some advice and input on some varied aspects of the game, if you have done this.
- what do you use for mapping software? (I am using Dunjinni and Gimp)
- what do you use to host the maps (and other stuff like documents)? (I am using Obsidian Portal for most of this at the moment)
- how did you find players? (I used friends but am considering just advertising here)
- did you have a requirement that people post every so often? What if they did not? Alas, Real Life does get in the way of gaming.

Thank you for your responses


  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085 edited September 2010
    Hey, Okami00!

    For mapping, I do most of my stuff in Ulead PhotoImpact and Alias Sketchbook Pro, but I think Dundjinni and Gimp are actually ideal options, too. I recently used Dundjinni for the first time when making a map for the Fantastinomicon, and I was quite pleased with the results.

    As for hosting, I really like the idea of using the Obsidian Portal map section, as it is easy to set a pin that links to a page in your wiki. The only thing is that you should ensure that your map images are square rather than rectangular, as otherwise it will crop to a square. (speaking of which, I have to fix a few of my maps and listen to my own advice.)

    Finding players I can't really help you with. I know that the following is a list of all the play-by-post campaigns currently on the Obsidian Portal:

    "PbP Campaigns":

    It is possible that you can get your campaign added to the list.

    Finally, I have never done a PbP game myself, so you're more likely than I to know if there should be any requirements for attendance. Actually, this is probably the #1 reason why I haven't really gotten into PbP.


    "Wyrmshadow Campaign Setting":
    "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic":
    Post edited by Duskreign on
  • kenurion
    Posts: 80
    Hi Okami00!

    I run a PbP on OP. Consistent posting is important. I have an informal rule that I will move things along as DM after 3-4 days of silence. Players who go on extended hiatus b/c of trips or whatever let me know, and I just deprioritize their characters' involvement while they are out. I have had some consistently poor posters and have simply asked them to leave or post more. I've found poor posters aren't interested and feel bad about quitting so they stick around and don't post. The best thing to do is tell them it's no big deal if they're not interested or too busy, but staying in the game without posting simply doesn't work.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Hello there Okami and welcome to the Portal,

    With regard to your first question, I use GIMP for mapping. If you are not already familiar with the "Cartographer's Guild":, I would recommend paying them a visit. It's one of the most helpful online communities I've come across and you can receive allot of great advice on mapping (both in the form of tutorials and feedback). As to your second question, I upload my maps to Photobucket. Then I post a small picture of the map on my OP site that is linked to the larger image hosted by Photobucket (here's an "example": In response to your third question, have you tried advertising on "enworld":

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