BESM-Super Robot Wars/Taisen help

edited July 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
Heya, maybe I can get some help here from people who have had this idea before. I'm desperately wanting to run a Super Robot Wars game, and I figure BESM is the best system to do it in.

The problem I'm stumbling into is balance: Between weapon strength/damage, armor and defense, that sort of thing. So, does anyone have any ideas, or even better, stat blocks already drawn up from your own go at it?


  • t3hd0n
    Posts: 2

    glad to see someone using besm.
    first off i'd like to say i'm only familiar with 3rd edition. i haven't run an all robot game, but the best thing to do is to start off at the templates and the guidelines for character creation and go from there.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    I have no advice to give on the system to use, but I am excited to hear that someone is doing a Super Robot Wars game. I recently developed a "simple roleplaying system for use in a pending campaign.": because I couldn't find anything else that I felt would work in my situation. Having only marginal experience with Big Eyes, Small Mouth, it was already one of my most likely contenders. I think you'll do well with it. t3hd0n is right, though. If you want to maintain balance, the best bet is to work from the existing templates, and as you tweak them, note how those tweaks will affect everything else in the game, and make adjustments accordingly.

    Good luck!
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Another system that might work for you is Mutants and Masterminds. However, either one of these systems, you're right, can have major balance issues. If you max out super speed to it's highest limit, for example, you can travel almost the speed of light. That's just silly. If you work with your players to have them choose powers and be creative, but not to choose things that break the game, it could really work well, I think.
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