Is it possible to make wiki tags that is restricted to the DM/GM?

edited March 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
Just as the title heavily implies, I'm wondering if there is any way for some of my tags only be visible by me(the DM), as i would really like to keep track of lets say a faction, but i cant tag hidden members because the players will see that they belong to that specific faction.

Anyone got any tips?


  • sandman
    Posts: 155 edited March 2010
    I think this can be done right now as it is.

    For example: I've written a page called "Zannad", and since the players don't know what that is yet, I keep as "Entire Page GM Only" (and in the "GM Only" section, so it doesn't show even show up in the pages they can see. I've also tagged it "Zannad", -and the tag DOES appear in the sidebar, but when they try to access it they can't. Try clicking on it if you want: "Wiki": (it's the last tag).-

    Having said that, you can tag a place or a hidden NPC, and it won't show up in the tag description for the players. -The tag itself *will* be shown, but when a player clicks on it it won't show them the pages or characters that are GM Only.-

    *_Edited:_* I checked what I wrote with my other account (I have an extra account as a player for my own campaign, not as a DM) because I wasn't sure about the tag appearing or not. The fact is: the tag doesn't even appear when I checked with my player account (so don't even bother trying to click on it, it shouldn't even appear). It's the same for NCPs, I clicked on a tag that can already be accessed by players, and it only showed me the NPCs I allowed, but not the hidden ones with the same tag.
    Post edited by sandman on
  • Yuven
    Posts: 7
    My problem is pretty straight forward. I have a faction in my campaign that is called "the rebel faction" and I want to tag a character they know as a member, but I do not want them to know about him being a member ...yet, and therefore i can't tag him as a member either.
  • freyja3120
    Posts: 22
    As far as I know, it isn't possible to tag a visible page with an invisible tag. As Sandman says, the tags from a GM only page won't show up in the list available to players.

    All that I can recommend would be trying to come up with an innocuous tag, or perhaps one that is a "typo", that could be code for you. Sadly, I think that could be more trouble than it's worth. Otherwise, I would try setting up a rebel page with links for yourself, GM only, if that's feasible with the number of rebels that you have.
  • Morgus
    Posts: 19
    I would second making a GM Only visible page, and just listing all the members of the faction as links on that page.
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