Character Wiki Links

edited February 2010 in Feature Requests
Currently text on character pages can't be easily linked to the campaign's wiki, unless you create the page in the wiki first and then do a "Text"!http://www.obsid... link.

It'd be super cool to have the character pages be a more integrated part of the wiki, so they felt more intouch with the rest of the world.

For instance.

"Joe the Mayer"

Joe is mayor of Arabel (perfect place for a wiki link). He is married to Elizabeth (NPC lookup link works here), and is a member of the Nezard Brotherhood (wiki link again).


  • Dethstryke
    Posts: 50
    You can make links to pages that do not exist in the wiki only, at the present moment. Whatever text you put in the slug will be made the name of a new page, which encourages your players to expand in a logical manner from existing content.

    So in your example, just put down:

    Joe is mayor of [[Arabel]]. He is married to Elizabeth, and is a member of the [[Nezard Brotherhood]].

    That will give you hyperlinked words, and when someone clicks on them a new page comes up with those terms as the page name for easy updating! :)

    Be careful, though. The words you make the link have to follow the naming requirements of OP. You can't have dashes, etc. in the name. However, using a pipe with a correctly formatted name on the left and the formatted text on the right works just the same.

    You couldn't do the same for characters, because they are provided a unique ID number for each one created. If you go by name, you will instead get random names cropping up from slugs other people have quick-named their characters. For example, there is another character someone made of Elizabeth, so it would link to that in another campaign than in your own. I believe this is being segregated as part of the move to make characters unique to each campaign, but I have no knowledge of a timeline for that to happen.
  • shidarin
    Posts: 11
    Hi Deth,

    I am very aware of how to do that for normal wikis, I'm specifically asking or the character pages to be made more into wiki pages (complete with page creation hyperlinks), as they are now owned by specific campaigns.
  • Dethstryke
    Posts: 50
    I apologize, the way you worded it with "perfect place for a wiki link" made it sound to me like you were't aware of that detail. Thank you for the clarification.

    I dig your request, and it's been made before. That was what the last paragraph of my reply was about - that was the answer we got about it.
  • shidarin
    Posts: 11
    Err, I don't want to be able to create characters with wiki links (I'm fine with the current method of creating NPCs etc, and I dig that they're in a seperate pulldown menu).

    But text on character pages can't be easily linked to the wiki. That's it. If your fluff on the character page contains

    Joe is the mayor of Arabel

    You can't put [[ ]] around Arabel and have it work- it doesn't link with the wiki of the campaign the character belongs to.
  • Dethstryke
    Posts: 50
    *within* the character pages. A-hah!

    Wow, I'm having cataclysmic level brain fart with your request. I apologize; I usually can read. ;)

    I get around that issue with HTML links, but that's clunky at best. I do agree with you. However, the reason why you can't go from Wiki to make a new character by link and why you can't slug into the wiki are primarily the same reason - they are segregated databases / systems by design. The original idea was to have a huge database of NPCs and PCs you could search through and pull from over everyone's public campaigns. This backfired a bit, though, and caused a huge lag after a critical mass of Characters were created over all members. I don't know if you were a member when the NPC pages would take a good 5-10 seconds extra to load every time you went to the page. It was... a problem. :(

    Once the character system is finished being redesigned, this will probably happen as a side effect of the system change. Right now, we're kind of sitting on the fence as I think they changed the characters just enough to ease the loading issues, as that was big enough of a project and big enough of a problem.
  • shidarin
    Posts: 11
    Ahh, that makes sense as to why it's not working now. I wasn't aware of that bit of history (but remember the long load times), thanks.
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