I gotta call fix on the Featured Campaign of the Year poll!

edited December 2009 in General Discussion


  • DireHammer
    Posts: 21
    Why is nothing before June mentioned by name? This gives a serious disadvantage to good campaigns like Flatscans Nemedian Chronicles.
  • autumnschild
    Posts: 153
    Hi CromonhisMountain.

    While putting together the list, I was using Featured Campaigns that were from 2009. My understanding was that Flatscans Nemedian Chronicles (which is totally awesome, by the way) was featured in 2008. If I'm wrong, I will be the first (well... I guess second) to say so, issue a public appology to the DMs of any missing Featured Campaigns, correct the poll, and dump all prior collected statistics, so that the playing field is level. Thanks for letting me know of this potentially devistating turn of events!
  • autumnschild
    Posts: 153
    Ok, so I've confirmed it with others here in the Obsidian Portal Seattle office, the Nemedian Chronicles, while it was featured during 2009, the featuring itself was done in 2008. So while it won't be added to the list, you can still add it as a write-in vote by selecting 'other'.

    Thanks for letting me know!
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