An old schooler since 1977

edited December 2009 in Player Lounge


  • drednot57
    Posts: 1
    I started with OD&D (White Box Set) while forward deployed in the US Navy home-ported in Yokusuka, Japan, then moved to AD&D first edition in 1978. I started developing my campaign, Oriden, in 1980. The basis of my campaign is the old Judges Guild D&D campaign setting "The Wilderlands of the Fantastic Reaches". Since then, my world has grown to be a wholly original work even as I have borrowed elements from various modules and other campaigns, and reworked them to fit within my vision that is Oriden. I have never gotten beyond AD&D 2E as the cost of new rule books became prohibitive, and the more I read about the newer editions, the less I liked them. The only exception is the combat system detailed in the d20 SRD which I subsequently adopted as part of my "home brew" rules set. Specifically the resolution of melee and reworked the saving throw system to mirror the combat resolution system. I have spent many hours as a DM and many more as a player. Getting enough "old schoolers" together to get a game going here in central Iowa (specifically the Ames area) has been nigh on impossible. So I've been refining my campaign further and have started a writing a novel set in my world to fill the void. There, you have my RPGing history in a nutshell. I'm always have an ear out for anyone nearby who wants a game. Hail and well met fellow gamers. I will be posting more material to my wiki as time goes along.
  • sonnycalzone
    Posts: 4
    Nice! 1978 here =)
  • autumnschild
    Posts: 153
    Wow, impressive stuff drednot57!

    Hook us up with a link to your campaign soon, ok?

    Good Gaming,
  • Black_Vulmea
    Posts: 277
    Welcome, fellow grognard!
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