Greetings from Michigan!

edited October 2009 in Player Lounge


  • owenstreetpress
    Posts: 1
    Hey all, my name's Jason, and I'm a graduate student in history at Michigan State University. I live in Lansing and I'm still "new" here, so I don't know any other gamers yet (although I do know where most/all of the gaming stores seem to be), due in large part to the fact that I have very little free time.

    I'm a big fan of RP, primarily D&D and Exalted, though I've tried my hand at (and mostly enjoyed) a variety of other games as well (Vampire, Star Wars, MiB, Cyberpunk 2020, Warhammer Fantasy, Cthulu, Paranoia, Aberrant). I've been on both sides of the screen, and although I like GMing, I'm more of an arm-chair GM, in that I think about it a lot more than I actually do it, and subsequently I'm not nearly as good at it as I should be. Especially considering that I've actually published material for D20 (small .pdf stuf, but still).

    I would like to get involved in a game nearby, but I don't rally know if that's a realistic idea yet or not. I also play Warhammer 40k and used to play WoW, although I certainly do not have the time for it now.
  • Black_Vulmea
    Posts: 277

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