Is there any way to print 5e Stylesheet character sheets?


Like the label says: my players all made their characters on the portal page itself, do they have to transfer everything to hard copy by hand or is there a shortcut for printing the style sheet that has the character on it? 


  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    Not really. You could use Firefox screenshots to capture and print it.

    Typically, what I've done for character sheets is use a fillable pdf and upload it (as a pdf, jpeg or a png) rather than using DST.


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  • thaen
    Posts: 1,082

    @CameronHays, we've been working on a way to do this, but the way the DSTs work right now makes it difficult.

    So, I have a janky way to do it, if you're interested...

    Go to the character you want to print.  For example, Bodrin from our "Fat Pig" campaign:

    Then add "/print" to the end of the url in the browser, and hit enter, like this:

    That will give you a view of only the "character specific" pieces of the page, with everything else trimmed out.

    Now, you can use a "print the whole webpage" tool like this one called "Full Page Screen Capture":

    You'll probably want to size your browser so that you don't have large margins on the sides of the Character Sheet (otherwise the large margins are included in the screenshots).

    Then, in the "Full Page Screen Capture" tool, there's an option in the top bar of the screen capture to "Download PDF".  From there you have a PDF that you can actually print with all the character data on it.

    Hope that helps!

    Obsidian Portal Developer

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