Help Wanted - Twilight of the Cosmos

edited December 2013 in Campaign Portal Building
Hey, there. I'm very new to Obsidian portal and I don't quite have a solid understanding of CSS, but I've stumbled on a few snippets of code I can cut and paste into the advanced section and I am currently trying out a membership for Ascendant. I'm struggling with some very simple and basic tasks, and I was wondering if someone might be able to lend a hand? I posted one of these questions on the tips and tricks section but I suspect that may have been the wrong place. At the moment, I'd like to:

* Change the color of my text in the main box on all of my pages (I'd like the main text box to be black and the text to be white.)
* Remove the heading at the top of my home page (the heading that reads "Home Page" - not the main banner.)
* Show you all what I've posted in the Advanced box, under settings, so that you can maybe point out what I should do to organize my code? It's only a few strings.
* Look up a basic tutorial on CSS so I can have some understanding of what I need to put in the Advanced box and how it's implemented.

I hope I'm not asking for too much, but I'm a little frustrated and not entirely certain how best to proceed. I managed to push the dragon banner out of the way and upload a new banner and a nice background image, but I'd really like to get a better handle on what I'm doing. If you've taken the time to read this and you're willing to help me out, please know that I sincerely appreciate it.

You can find my Chronicle here:

Just be warned, it's very much a work in progress.


  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113 edited December 2013
    Hi lucid - fairly certain one of the Vanguards will come along to get you right as rain, but in the meantime

    * Change the color of my text in the main box on all of my pages (I'd like the main text box to be black and the text to be white.)
    Looks like you most have this set up - you are just missing your headers. The following will set their color:
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {color:white;}

    Correction: And a couple of other places.
    If you add this bit you should catch...pretty close to everything (character pages, item pages etc.)

    .campaign-public-layout .main-content{color:white;}

    * Remove the heading at the top of my home page (the heading that reads "Home Page" - not the main banner.)
    This will hide it:
    .wiki-page-name {display:none;}

    * Show you all what I've posted in the Advanced box, under settings, so that you can maybe point out what I should do to organize my code? It's only a few strings.
    Once a Vanguard messages you and you make them a CO-GM they will be able to see this. :)

    * Look up a basic tutorial on CSS so I can have some understanding of what I need to put in the Advanced box and how it's implemented.
    W3Schools has always been a good starting reference point: "W3Schools":
    Post edited by dawnhawk on
  • xv_lucid_dreamer_vx
    Posts: 3
    Thank you so much for your reply!

    I finally got the bright idea to right click --> inspect element. After that it was just a matter of clicking on the different code-tags to see how they matched up with the rest of the website. I knew that {color: white;} was the tag used to change the color of the main text, and I figured the tags above it told the website where the text color needed to be changed, but I still feel like I'm fumbling my way through. Even so, I really appreciate that extra bit of code, because I wanted all of my text white. It's just that I was under the impression I was supposed to modify the text color in the 'Edit Post' section, so I figured once you showed me how, I could just apply it to the rest. Your post helped clarify this for me.

    Are the headers visible when you view the page? The only time I see them is after I'm done editing the home page, otherwise they pretty much don't show up -- and that's fine, that's totally what I was going for anyhow. I'll try that code you offered to see how things change.

    I greatly appreciate the link! This is exactly what I was after.
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113 edited December 2013
    Page Names do not appear on the "front page" which is kind of a special wiki page, however when you edit it, after you save you are seeing the "wiki page" version so you see the page names, anyone who goes to the wiki page version will see them unless you choose to hide them. They will also show up on any other wiki pages you create.

    I seriously hope that made sense, sorry typing quickly on my phone on the bus on the way to work.

    Not sure if it will help you any, and it's very much not complete, but some of us have started a CSS campaign that I've been moving old tutorials on to that may help a bit. (Shameless plug)
    "Postreforge CSS":

    I'm adding more as I have time and one other member had joined to help me, so hopefully there will eventually be plenty of stuff up there.

    Edit: for terminology
    Post edited by dawnhawk on
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Hey Lucid, if you want to shoot me a private message, we can see about getting your page up and going just how you like it!
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