Within Campaign Wiki Search

edited June 2008 in Feature Requests


  • super_rats
    Posts: 24
    A search function within the campaign wiki would be nice. Right now it's fine since I don't have very many pages, but I can imagine when there are many pages it will be harder to dig for an entry without manually creating an index page. Unless there's an easier way of doing it that I don't realize.

    I think this is great. I like how it's integrated with a campaign log and has a DM section to keep my notes hidden from the players. I really like how it's setup here, but I wonder if the lack of campaign wiki search will make the wiki portion here less useful for a wiki that might have many pages.
  • freyja3120
    Posts: 22
    I would like to also recommend that this be added. There have been many times when I needed to find something in my wiki and don't know which page it ended up on. This could maybe be something like a check box next to the search box that searches within a specific campaign, or maybe an advanced search feature that allows you to choose a campaign or user's pages.
  • amerigoV
    Posts: 9
  • Taloff
    Posts: 14
    This is currently on the devs' to-do list.
  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    A Search box would really help. Good request.
  • knowman
    Posts: 3
    That would be brilliant. One of the lads has entered several years worth of adventure logs, which is terrific, but trying to find an individual adventure is cumbersome.

  • templeorder
    Posts: 18
    I agree - i only have a few pages of campaign logs but i am entering years of back data. Names, places, etc... players are always trying to find a reference, this would be great.
  • avariel
    Posts: 3
    I'd like to push for this too... I'd love to see a "Search This Campaign" feature in addition to the global "search all of Obsidian Portal" we have now.

    Nice not to have to sift through other people's campaigns for the stuff that's relevant to yours that happens to have the same name. Also, for a group playing a published campaign (Dungeon Magazine, for instance), some other campaign's page on the same subject might have spoilers you don't want your players to see. Or their campaign might have gone off in a different direction than yours...
  • kenurion
    Posts: 80
    In Google, you can force the search engine to only look within a single top-level website. One of my players (greengranolaguy) figured this out.


    In the example below, "claacos" is the search term. Then you type "site:" followed by your campaign's root directory.

    claacos site:www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/saga-of-jaraah
  • freyja3120
    Posts: 22
    Thanks kenurion, that will certainly help!

    The only down side that I can see is that, as the dm, I have no way of searching hidden pages. Obviously, it's a good thing that the players can't do so via google, but I can't either.

    Still, that's a great option in the meantime, so thanks again for posting!
  • avariel
    Posts: 3 edited September 2010
    The Google search isn't a bad temporary workaround - thanks for suggesting it. In addition to freyja's note, though, another drawback is that you're relying on the last time Google happened to crawl the site - so you may get bad references. (Lots of terms I search this way on my wiki give a top hit that isn't there anymore and hasn't been for weeks.)

    Amusingly, I've gotten some funky tags on my wiki's main page when people have typed a search term in the Tag box and hit Enter without paying attention, assuming, "It's a text box - it must be a search box."

    I'm also a little curious as to the utility of the global "search all of Obsidian Portal" function that sits in the upper right all the time. Do people often browse among different campaigns, or do they tend to be mostly interested in their own?
    Post edited by avariel on
  • Thrakas
    Posts: 1
    Ghetto Campaign Wiki Search: Show All > Ctrl+F > [Search Terms] > Enter (Until you find what you need)
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