Social Publishing

edited July 2011 in Campaign Portal Building
I know there's a "social publishing" section at the end of most of the posts, and I've been making a lot of use to that. Unfortunately though, mine only has facebook listed. Is that because it's the only site that's linked, or am I missing something to link, say, google plus or blogger or twitter, so that those networks are updated when posts are made?

If there's NOT a way to update, say, Google Plus, is that something that's coming soon? I, and most of my players, have nearly abandoned Facebook for Google.


  • super_rats
    Posts: 24
    A Google Plus option would be sweet.
  • FrankSirmarco
    Posts: 250
    Google+ is still in "invite only" release if I'm not mistaken. I'm sure once they go live to the public, OP will make social publishing available to it.
  • magavendon
    Posts: 112
    When was the last time you checked? I'm pretty sure it's open beta to everyone now.
  • Feachador
    Posts: 15
    I *think* it's open beta to everyone with a gmail account. I've got invites, so it looks like it's still not "open". (when gmail went open, they took away the "invites" entirely.)

    So, ARE there other options I should be seeing, other than Facebook? or is that the only social publishing account available?
  • super_rats
    Posts: 24
    I also have Twitter available in mine. In your account settings there is a Third Party Signin thing you can probably link up your twitter if you have one.
  • Mordenheim
    Posts: 4
    Super_rats is right - click on "edit my account" on what i think is your profile page, and scroll down to the Third Party Signin Section. You can select Aol, Yahoo, twitter, Google, OpenID, my_, windowsliveID, blogger, live journal, myOpenID and Word Press.

    Ok, am i a complete noob in that i only know 5 of those 11 are?

    Hope this helps
  • Feachador
    Posts: 15
    I linked up twitter, google, and blogger. I don't have a WordPress account anymore, and I don't really use my OpenID. I still only have a Facebook and (now,) twitter options. Being able to post to blogger would be nice, also.
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