Two 20+ Years Experienced DnD Players Looking for an Online 3.5e Campaign via an Instant Messenger

edited June 2011 in Player Lounge
Hello, I'm seeking a game on behalf of myself and another player. Between the two of us, we have 20 years of Dungeons and Dragons experience.
It'd be fantastic if the game was played through an instant messenger, and we're too old and set in our ways to play anything but 3.5e or Pathfinder!
If you're planning on starting a 3.5e or Pathfinder, instant messenger game or need a few players, we're very interested!


  • Llowellen
    Posts: 15
    Please take a look at my World of Llowellen.

    The current campaign (which you are both welcome to join) is a Play by Forum.

    But I'd love to run another game for you guys, via messenger. I use a hybrid of 3.5Pathfinder rules, merged with some of Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved, and I'd love some new players.
  • Athear
    Posts: 21
    Though I'm only a five year veteran in 3.5 I might like to join though I would like to know Who would DM?
  • RobertBenton
    Posts: 46
    Hi dog! I am a 7 year 3.5e DM. Right now I am running a campaign with east-asian influence and clockwork and gunpowder technology. I do need a side plot to progress things for my main party. If you like skypirates, samurai, and elemental manipulation I'de love to have people of your experience. Send me a message if you are interested.
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