Mobile Site Beta



  • pelwer
    Posts: 18

    I could help out as well if you need more testers.

  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Added pelwer. Give it a whirl :)
  • pelwer
    Posts: 18

    I tested all the tabs and can't really find much to complain about! Worked like a charm!

    Minor annoyances:

    * When I switched to "full site" mode I was on the Wiki tab but the full site started up on the Characters tab.

    * Some of the wide tables aren't rendering properly in that I can't scroll Right/Left ( Up/Down work fine )
    ( This may be by design - again, they render fine on the full site )

    * When I went to full site, I didn't see a way to get back to the mobile view.

    None of these are important to stop the launch, IMHO.
    Excellent work as usual Micah!

  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    To get back to mobile from the full site, there is a link in the footer. Kind of tough to see, but it should be there.

    Scrolling right/left is a good point. I'm trying to force everything to fit in the view without needing to scroll, but it may be impossible with some tables.
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    I ran into one pretty big issue, but not being familiar with how websites convert to mobile format, I'm not sure how difficult it would be to correct.

    My site is actually nearly unreadable on the mobile app. I'm guessing it is because I make heavy use of divs with defined widths. In the mobile app, the text runs off the side of the screen, but I am unable to scroll over to the end of any given piece of text.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    That's something that worries me a lot. People who have heavily styled their campaigns for the web interface will have a lot of trouble getting it to look right or even be usable on the mobile site. I will take a look and see if there are any solutions for making the text not disappear off the page, but if there are defined widths and stuff our hands may be tied. We could also see about allowing scrolling, but that may be tough as well.
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    Do you know if there is a good way for a wiki owner, like myself to adjust table and div coding in order to maintain the look on the web, but in a way that will adjust for mobile? Perhaps using percentages when defining width, rather than pixel count? While this would be a pain to implement for heavily established campaigns like mine, we might be able to start guiding site newcomers towards more flexible coding practices.
  • Logoi
    Posts: 1
    Hi, I know I'm a little late for this, but I've been running and building my campaigns from an iPad. I would love to help you with a mobile site. Its a great idea.
  • amerigoV
    Posts: 9
    I like the mobile site. Looks great on the iPad (which it looks good either way, but looks more "app-ish"
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423

    I went and did a quick reformat of one of my pages in which I converted all widths from fixed pixel amounts to % of page widths. This seems to help with the formatting issue. On my iPhone 3G, it still cuts off a bit of the edge unless the phone is held in landscape orientation. Next, I think I'll try this technique with my main page.
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    Alright, I have confirmed that adjusting the widths of divs and images from pixel amounts to % does wonders to improve mobile readability on heavily formatted sites. Some things like background images cannot be simply corrected, but I managed to make the main page of my wiki look quite good on the mobile version. I still need to tweak some minor errors in my conversions but its orders of magnitude better.
  • Sommerset
    Posts: 32
    I kind of stumbled across the mobile site on my smartphone [HTC Inspire running Android.], and I really like the simple layout -- but I was a little confused, is there an easy way to post into the campaign forum from the mobile site? My players do a lot of PBP, and it would be awesome [and terrifying] to be able to post quickly from anywhere.
  • Sommerset
    Posts: 32
    Duh -- figured that part out. But when I follow the link from forum post emails, it drops me at a dead link. I can easily just go to the site homepage and proceed from there, just wanted you to know about the issue. Really like the layout, and utility of everything. Kudos!
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    I have been using the mobile site a lot myself.
    Way better than in the past for quick info.
    My biggest issue has been editing, which unless I am mistaken, must be done on full site mode. I cannot scroll down to the bottom of any page if it is longer than my phone screen.
    If there is a new site to test, would be happy to help out.

    "A God...Rebuilt":

    Just trying to help out.

  • bluesguy
    Posts: 127
    Ok this is an old thread. I just got a Droid and would like to get on this deal :-). So how do I...
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