The Middle Isles Campaign

edited January 2011 in General Archive
Hi all,

With the new year I decided to really try and formalize my long-planned Middle Isles Campaign. The system's changed a couple of times, as has the start date, but our group's finally read for this game in 2011.

I've worked on backgrounds, using Creative Commons and Public Domain images to liven it up. I've garnered a lot of inspiration from other sites here on just making things look nicer. I don't have the technical know-how that a lot of you guys have, and am frankly in awe of your abilities. But I hope it's servicable, easy to navigate, and works for my campaign.

*To-Do List*

-Change system to OpenQuest once its added by OP
-Standardize background parchment image for all pages
-Finish character (NPC) list
-Complete wiki entries for deities, locations, and people
-Add combat example page
-Finish adding artwork where needed
-Think about adding a YouTube intro on the front page

Anyhow, I thought I'd put it up for your review here:

"The Middle Isles Campaign":




  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Hey, Zack! Great job, man!

    The title of your campaign is a bit hard to read on your banner.

    I am in-love with your wiki. There is a lot of detailed data in there. I particularly enjoy reading The Night Sky entries.

    I think standardizing the background image will pretty much seal the deal with this wiki. It is very well put together, and easy to navigate. I'm impressed!


    "Wyrmshadow Campaign Setting":

    "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic":

    "The System":
  • Bagel
    Posts: 11
    Looks nice. I recently went through and added pictures for all the npcs in my campaign, your pages make me want to go through and do the same for my wiki as well.
  • zacharythefirst
    Posts: 6
    Thanks for the comments, guys! I hear you on the banner being a little hard to read. My wife was kind enough to do it in Photoshop for me, so I'll she if she can get around to lightening up the text a bit.
  • LaughingVrock
    Posts: 11 edited January 2011
    Usually if you just do a 2 pixel stroke of white around the letters they will stand out.
    Post edited by LaughingVrock on
  • zacharythefirst
    Posts: 6
    Yeah, that's sort of what I was thinking. That's probably what I'll do when I get a chance.
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