Wide Wiki Tables?

edited October 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
Building my site, I have 2 tables that are a bit wide, 15 columns, and the screen truncs them off at 13 columns, without even a scroll bar to slide over and see the rest. Help? I'm no wiki expert and any help would be appreciated.



  • Curufea
    Posts: 161
    Try using HTML code instead of textile?

    However, generally lots of columns in a table lack accessability - they aren't easy to read and you should be looking at a different way to express the information.
  • MacAllen
    Posts: 7
    When I put the html code in, the page just shows the html code and not the actual formatting. I only get formatting when I convert the html to wiki.

    Did I mention I'm new to the portal? :)
  • Grokkit
    Posts: 23 edited October 2010
    You could just have a typo. Html Table code is supported.

    You should be able to copy and paste the following code:

    For more rows add
    For more columns add

    Good luck!
    Post edited by Grokkit on
  • MacAllen
    Posts: 7
    I'm converting from Excel, which I've just found adds a *LOT* of garbage I don't need, so I'm whittling out what the wiki doesn't like. It's taking a bit of work, but I'm getting it down to something I can use.

    Thanks for the help :)
  • Curufea
    Posts: 161
    Microsoft went with the "lets make it look EXACTLY like what things look like in Office, without in any way tidying the code or simplifying it".

    Which created the whole industry of software of "lets fix Microsoft code so it's readable and compliant to standards".
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